User’s Guide for
SuDoku Plug & Play
Model No. NY90
Layout of The New York Times
SuDoku Plug & Play
Function of Buttons
ON/OFF: Switch to turn the NUMBERS: Press to enter one
through nine during a game.
unit on or off.
Press to
to move cursor up, down, confirm your selection;
left and right while playing press to erase your entry
the game. During game during a game; press to
move the cursor to the hint
option when the cursor is on
a square.
selection, press the UP and
DOWN buttons to scroll
through game options.
EXIT/MENU: Press to enter the VIDEO PLUG: Insert the
yellow plug into the video
MENU screen during a game;
press again to return to socket of your television.
previous screen.
AUDIO PLUG: Insert the white
plug into the audio socket of
AUTO PLAY: Press once to
answer a square automati- your television.
cally; press and hold for two
seconds to fill in all of the
squares one-by-one, one unit.
square per second.
RESET: Press to reset the
puzzle you want to play,
press the START/ENTER but-
ton to confirm. The follow-
ing screen will then appear.
Use the UP and DOWN but-
tons to select one of the lev-
els of difficulty and press the
START/ENTER button to con-
firm. The following screen
will appear on your televi-
How to Play
The object of the game is
PAD to scroll up and down
to place numbers in the the menu items. If there's a
empty squares so that each
saved puzzle, the RECALL
row, each column and each option will appear on the
three by three grid contains bottom of the menu screen.
the numbers one through
nine once.
Press the START/ENTER but-
ton to confirm your selec-
Figure 4: Puzzle
Getting Started
To begin playing, select
Plug it into your television
and then turn it on by may also customize a puzzle
switching the power switch
to ON on the top of the unit.
the PLAY NOW! option. Players
PAD to move the cursor
around the screen. The
square you are on will be
marked in red. The numbers
available for that box will
turn red on the right side of
the screen if the show possi-
bilities function is on.
Once you've reached a
square that you know the
answer for, press the respec-
tive number button. This
number will appear white if
incorrect or black if correct
if the incorrect number alert
is on. It will appear red if it
Figure 3: Puzzle Selection
by selecting CREATE A PUZ-
ZLE. Players can also select
OPTIONS to adjust the game
The New York Times SuDoku setting.
Plug & Play
When the game turns on, the following screen will
the following screen will appear on your television:
appear on your television.
Scroll through the differ-
ent puzzles per level of diffi-
culty by using the LEFT or
RIGHT button of your DIREC-
or DOWN button of your
scroll by ten puzzles at a
time. Press and hold the UP
or DOWN button to scroll
quickly through all of the
After selecting PLAY NOW!,
Figure 2: Select Level
Figure 1: Opening Screen
Once you've found the
unit will begin to fill in all of
the squares one-by-one at
the speed of one square per
main menu.
number of puzzles complet-
was filled in by the AUTO
If you want to know a HINT ed per number of puzzles in
for a square, you may move that level.
the cursor to that particular
square and press the START button for the screen to show
button. Move the cursor to the next puzzle. The puzzle
the HINT icon and press the number will flash indicating
START/ENTER button again. you can select another puz-
The number will flash for a zle by pressing the DIREC-
few seconds and then disap- TIONAL KEYPAD. Press the
During your game, the
potential answer choices
will be shown on the right
side of the screen, marked in
red if the show possibilities
function is on. If you input
an incorrect number, the
function will display the
inputted number in white.
You have the option of turn-
ing these functions off by
selecting the OPTIONS choice
in the opening menu screen.
If you've entered an incor-
rect number, you can delete
that number by moving the
cursor to that square and
pressing the START/ENTER
You can stop AUTO PLAY
from filling in additional
squares by pressing AUTO
PLAY again. However, if
your game contains incor-
rect entries, the AUTO PLAY
function will not work. It
will move your cursor over
the incorrect number. Delete
the number by pressing
Once you've deleted all
incorrect entries, you can
use the AUTO PLAY function
again. If for some reason the
AUTO PLAY function doesn't
work, an ERROR icon will
appear on the screen. If the
game does not respond after
the ERROR icon appears, you
may input the remaining
squares manually if you are
sure that your input puzzle is
correct or press MENU and
select QUIT GAME to return to
START/ENTER button to con-
When you've filled in the firm your selected puzzle. If
last square of a puzzle and if you've selected a puzzle that
all the filled-in entries are was already completed, the
correct, the timer will stop icon DONE will be shown
counting, cursor will disap- below the sequence number
pear. When you fill in the of that particular puzzle.
last square of a puzzle, if
there is a wrong answer, the Points:
cursor will automatically go
to the incorrect number so square
you can fix it.
When you have completed
one puzzle correctly, pressed
the START/ENTER button. The your total bonus will be
screen will show LEVEL, reduced by 100 points for
TIME, BEST TIME, SCORE, every elapsed minute. After
HIGH SCORE, AVERAGE and 60 minutes, your bonus will
+100: Filling in an empty
-200: Erasing each number
After 15 minutes pass,
If you're stuck, you can
select AUTO PLAY for help.
Your Plug & Play will calcu-
late where you should fill in
your next answer choice. If
you press and hold AUTO
PLAY for two seconds, the
DONE. DONE refers to the be zero.
20,000: Expert
15,000: Hard
10,000: Medium
5,000: Easy
game. If you wish to select a
different level of difficulty,
press the EXIT/MENU button.
Select a level of difficulty
and press the START/ENTER
or off. When on, incorrect
numbers will appear white.
DONE: Select to confirm
the changes you've just
made to your game settings.
Selecting DONE and YES
will save your game settings
adjustments. If you select NO
and press the EXIT/MENU but-
ton, you will return to your
game but your settings will
not be saved.
If you complete a puzzle button to begin a new game.
RESTART: Select to restart
with the AUTO PLAY or HINT
function, you will have no your current game.
bonus for that game.
Figure 5: Blank Create a
Puzzle Screen
SAVE: Select to save your
current game.
Menu Options
During a game, press the
EXIT/MENU button any time
PAD and NUMBER buttons to
fill in the puzzle. Once
you've finished creating the
puzzle, press the DOWN but-
ton until you reach the DONE
icon on the bottom right cor-
ner. Press the START/ENTER
button to confirm your puzzle.
The following screen will
QUIT GAME: Select to quit
to display the menu screen. your current game.
Use the UP or DOWN button
Creating a New Puzzle
You can recreate any
SuDoku puzzle. Transfer
your favorite SuDoku puz-
zles from the newspaper,
books or make one up your-
Every time you select CRE-
ATE A PUZZLE on the opening
menu screen, the following
screen will appear.
to scroll through the follow-
SOUND: Select to turn the
ing menu options and use sound on or off.
the START/ENTER button to
confirm your selection. YES
and NO will appear alongside to turn the SHOW POSSIBILI-
the menu item. Press the TIES function on or off.
START/ENTER button to con- When on, the possible
firm your selection.
answer choices will be
shown on the right side of
NEW GAME: Select to the screen.
return to the puzzle-selec-
tion screen. This will take
you to the same level of dif- Select to turn the INCORRECT
appear on your television.
ficulty as your previous NUMBER ALERT function on
Figure 6: Filled-In Create function is not available for
Battery Information
a Puzzle Screen
customized puzzles.
The New York Times SuDoku Plug & Play requires
four AAA batteries, not included.
The HINT function and the
INCORRECT NUMBER ALERT button during the creation of
If you press the EXIT/MENU
Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or
rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not use rechargeable batteries.
Do not short-circuit battery terminals.
Remove batteries and store them in a cool, dry place
when not in use.
To avoid explosion or leakage, do not dispose of
batteries in a fire or attempt to recharge alkaline or
other non-rechargeable batteries.
Your unit may occasionally “freeze up” or function
improperly because of static electrical discharge. If this
happens, press the RESET button to restart.
Special Care & Handling
Avoid rough handling such as bumping or dropping.
EXCALIBUR ELECTRONICS, warranties are hereby excluded.
INC., warrants to the original Some states do not allow limita-
consumer that its products are tions on the duration of implied
free from any electrical or warranties and do not allow
mechanical defects for a period of exclusion of incidental or conse-
90 DAYS from the date of pur- quential damages, so the above
chase. If any such defect is dis- limitations and exclusions in
covered within the warranty peri- these instances may not apply.
od, EXCALIBUR ELECTRON- The only authorized service cen-
ICS, INC., will repair or replace ter in the United States is:
Avoid moisture and extreme temperatures. For best
results, use between the temperatures of 39˚ F and 100˚
F (4˚ C and 38˚ C).
Unplug the electrical cord prior to cleaning. Clean
using only a slightly damp cloth. Do not use cleaners
with chemical agents.
the unit free of charge upon
receipt of the unit, shipped
postage prepaid and insured to the
factory address shown at right.
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.
13755 SW 119th Ave
Miami, Florida 33186 U.S.A.
Phone: 305.477.8080
Fax: 305.477.9516
The warranty covers normal con-
sumer use and does not cover Ship the unit carefully packed,
damage that occurs in shipment preferably in the original carton,
or failure that results from alter- and send it prepaid, and adequate-
ations, accident, misuse, abuse, ly insured. Include a letter, detail-
neglect, wear and tear, inadequate ing the complaint and including
maintenance, commercial use, or your daytime telephone number,
unreasonable use of the unit. inside the shipping carton. If your
Removal of the top panel voids warranty has expired and you
all warranties. This warranty does want an estimated fee for service,
not cover cost of repairs made or write to the above address, speci-
attempted outside of the factory.
fying the model and the problem.
Any applicable implied war-
ranties, including warranties of
merchantability and fitness, are
hereby limited to 90 DAYS from
Consequential or incidental dam-
ages resulting from a breach of
any applicable express or implied
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.
13755 SW 119th Avenue
Miami, FL 33186
T: 305.477.8080
F: 305.477.9516
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