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CM4-S Cooking Computer — Overview
Programming Overview
An example of a 13-minute cook cycle with four cooking temperatures
is detailed in the graphic below.
The cooktime and points at which the temperature will change are
entered in four steps in this example. Cooktimes are arrived at by
subtracting the desired segment time from the remaining cooktime and
entering that number. (See explanation in the graphic.)
The S in the CM4-
S computer stands
for segment, a
feature that allows
a cooking cycle to
be broken into a
number of parts,
each with its own
♦ Step 1 sets the total cooktime and the initial setpoint.
♦ Step 2 sets the duration of the first cooking segment, 2 minutes,
and the setpoint of the first temperature change.
♦ Step 3 sets the duration of the second cooking segment, 4 minutes,
and the setpoint of the second temperature change.
The graphic at
right details an
example of this
process. Explicit,
instructions are
provided in
♦ Step 4 sets the duration of the third cooking segment, 3 minutes,
and the setpoint of the third temperature change.
The four remaining minutes in the cooktime elapse at the final
temperature. No entry is required to use the final minutes.
Enter 13:00, the combined time of all cook cycles, and 340°F,
initial setpoint.
Minus segment
Minus segment
Entered on
Minus segment
Entered on
No entry is required
for the final 4 minutes
of the cooktime.The
computer simply
counts downs the
remaining minutes at
the final setpoint,
which was
Enter 320°F,
the first
Enter 310°F,
the 2nd
Entered on
Enter 330°F,
the 3rd
established in step 4.
2 min.
4 min.
3 min.
4 min.
10 11 12 13
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Overview
The CM4-S can cook in segmented and non-segmented cook cycles
with or without automatic filter prompts. It is also programmable to exit
a cook cycle in one of three modes: return to setpoint, assume an idle
temperature, well below setpoint, or prompt filtering at a prescribed
cook cycle count for a specific product button
The CM4-S has a
number of features
and it is not
essential to use all
of them in your
cooking operation.
Programming for
The CM4-S is also capable of monitoring cook cycles initiated by all
the product buttons and call for filtering when the cumulative amount
reaches a number set by the operator.
cooking and
staggered alarms,
which are not
essential to use
together, are
Programming for filtering and exit-mode options are not essential to
basic cooking programming. For that reason, filtering and exit mode
instructions are provided in separate sections of this manual.
Encountered in all programming; a product
For that reason,
programming for
filtering prompts
and alarms are
presented in
P r o d u c t
button must be pressed for programming.
Encountered in all programming; allows computer to keep
running total of heads of chicken or equivalent. The
amount is accessible with a programming code.
He a d s
separate chapters.
Encountered in all programming; used to program
segmented and non-segmented cook cycles.
S e g me n t
Allows up to three alarms to be set per cook cycle;
Al a r m
encountered by pressing special programming key.
Allows programming of the exit mode at the completion
of a cook cycle; encountered by pressing special
programming key.
Encountered in all programming; used to enter cooking
times for segmented and non-segmented cooking
c o o k t ime
Encountered in all programming; used to enter cooking
temperatures for segmented and non-segmented
cooking cycles.
S e t - t e mp
Encountered in all programming; used to enter sensitivity, which is the
degree the computer reacts to the introduction of cold product to the
heated oil. The computer shrinks or stretches the cooktime based on
the degree of cooling and the sensitivity setting. A 0 setting results in
no reaction; 9 produces the greatest reaction.
s e n s
CMS-4 Cooking Computer
Computer Setup
1. Press
Display reads
OF F .
2. Press
button in
Frymaster logo.
3. Co d e
appears in left
display; right
display is blank.
Programming button.
4. Use product keys to enter 16 5 6
5. Left display shows OK To n e ; right shows 10 0 0 HZ .
6. Adjust tone by entering a new frequency, 100-2000Hz, with product
7. Press either
ON/OFF button to sample sound.
8. Press to save sound.
9. Left display shows Ca u t io n ; right 5 0 0 HZ .
10. Follow steps 6-7 to change and sample sound.
11. Press
to save sound.
12. Left display shows Wa r n in g ; right 3 5 0 HZ .
13. Follow steps 6-7 to change and sample sound.
14. Press
to save sound.
15. Left display shows F r y - Ty p e ; left shows F u l l P o t ,
S p l it p o t or p r e s s u r e .
16. Press
to toggle between choices. Leave F u l l P o t in the display
for a single vat fryer, s p l it p o t in display for dual-vat fryer or
p r e s s u r e in the display for a pressure fryer.
17. Press
to lock in choice.
18. Left display shows e n e r g y ; right shows g a s or e l e c t r ic .
19. Press to toggle between choices.
20. With the proper energy type displayed, press
21. Press to lock in choice.
to lock in choice.
22. Me l t Ext appears in left display; a temperature setting in the right.
CMS-4 Cooking Computer
23. Use product buttons to set temperature the fryer will exit the melt cycle and
heat continuously to setpoint.
24. Press
to lock in choice.
25. Me l t On appears in left display; a number appears in the right.
26. Use product buttons to enter the time, in seconds, the burners will be on
during the melt cycle.
27. Press
to lock in choice.
28. Me l t Of f appears in left display; a number appears in the right.
29. Use product buttons to enter the time, in seconds, the burners will stay off
during the melt cycle.
30. Press
to lock in choice.
31. F il t t ime appears in left display; a time in the right.
32. Use the product buttons to enter the amount of time the filter pump should
run to fill the frypot after the drain valve is closed. An alarm sounds when the set
time elapses.
33. Press
to lock in choice.
34. Computer displays OF F . Setup is complete.
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Programming with Filtration
When using the
global filtering
feature of the
Exit Cool
Product Buttons
CM4-S, the
Product Buttons
computer counts
the amount of
product cooked
and calls for
Programming Key Not visible
filtering when the
count reaches a
number, which is
set by the user.
The computer
must be connected
to the drain valve
safety switch to
provide all the
features described
at right.
Programming for Segmented Cooking Cycles
(Filter Mode)
1. Establish the total number of cook cycles before the computer
prompts a filter cycle.
2. Press
, the ON/OFF button to turn computer off.
3. Display shows OF F .
4. Press hidden programming button in Frymaster logo. (See diagram
Entry of the
amount of
product to
cook before
calling for
filtering is
detailed in
steps 1-8 at
5. Display shows CODE on left side.
6. Enter 1658 using numbered product keys
7. GBL F ILT ( l GBL a n d r GBL appear if the computer is
configured for a splitpot) appears in the left display, 0 or a
previously programmed number appears in the right.
8. Use the product keys to enter the number of cook cycles before the
computer calls for filtering.
The amount of
assigned to a
product button
is entered at
step 16.
9. Press
. Computer displays OF F .
10. Establish the total cooktime
and the number and
2 min
4 min.
4 min.
3 min.
temperatures of the cook
segments for your product.
Total time: 13 min
You will find drawing a diagram helpful. See graphic on page 1-1
and above. In this example cooking segments of 2 minutes at 340°F,
4 minutes at 320°F, 3 minutes at 310°F and a final cook segment of
4 minutes at 330°F are set.
11. Press hidden programming button in Frymaster logo. (See diagram
12. Display shows CODE on left side.
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Programming with Filtration
13. Enter 1650 using numbered product keys.
Use button
10 for 0.
14. P r o d u c t shows in left display. All product buttons blink. Right
display is blank.
15. Press the product button
you want to program. He a d s
appears in left display; 0 or a previously programmed number in
the right. The LED in the chosen button remains lit. All others go
* If you plan to use
the cooking alarms
or exit modes
features, please
skip to sections 5
and 6 for
instruction on their
If not,
programming can
continue in the
sequence at right.
16. Use the product buttons to enter the number of heads of chicken (or
equivalent) to be cooked in each cycle of the product button being
17. Press
to lock in choice.
18. S e g me n t appears in left display, P ROD and number of the
product button being programmed appears in right.
19. Press product button 1
. The LED in product 1 continues to
flash; the LED in the button being programmed stays on
continuously (unless button 1, which is flashing, is being
** The temperature
display can be
toggled from
Fahrenheit to
Celsius in this
step. See
20. Co o k t ime appears in left display; a time programmed
previously appears in right display.
21. Use the product buttons to enter 0 , which eliminates any earlier
instructions on
Page 7-1.
22. Press
23. S e g me n t appears in the left display; P r o d 1 in the right. No
button LEDs are illuminated.
24. Press button 1
. The LED flashes.
25. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 appears in right display.
26. Use the product buttons to enter the total cooktime.
27. Press
28. S e t - Te mp appears in left display; 0 appears in the right display.
29. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the initial
setpoint of the cooking cycle.
30. Press
to lock in temperature.
31. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 appears in the right.
32. Use product buttons to set sensitivity, which is the degree the
computer reacts to the introduction of cold product to the heated oil.
The computer can stretch or shrink the cooking time. Zero, or no
sensitivity, is a common choice for bone-in chicken.
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Programming with Filtration
33. Press
to lock in choice.
34. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d 1 in right. The LED
in the product button 1 continues to flash. All others are dark.
35. Press product button 2
. The LED in product button 2 flashes.
The LED in the button being programmed is illuminated
36. Determine the desired cooktime for the first cook cycle. Subtract
that number from the total cooktime entered
Total cooking time
in the first step. Enter the result with the
product buttons. See calculation at right and
Cooktime for 1st
graphic in programming overview on page 1-
Time entered into
37. Press
to lock in choice.
38. S e t - Te mp appears in left display and 0
or a previously programmed temperature
appears in the right.
39. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the first
temperature change. See graphic on page 1-1.
40. Press
set sensitivity setting appears in the right.
41. Use product keys to enter sensitivity.
. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 or a previously
42. Press
43. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d 1 in right.
44. Press product button 3
45. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 appears in the
for 2nd
46. Subtract desired time for second cook segment from
remaining cooktime. (See example at right.) Enter that
number at the c o o k t ime prompt.
Time entered into
47. Press
to lock in cooktime .
48. S e t - Te mp appears in left display and 0 or a
previously programmed temperature appears in the right.
49. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the second
temperature change.
50. Press
. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 or a previously
set sensitivity setting appears in the right.
51. Use product keys to enter sensitivity.
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Programming with Filtration
52. Press
53. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d 1 in right
54. Press product button 4
55. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 appears in the
for 3rd
56. Subtract desired time for second cook segment from
remaining cooktime. (See example at right.) Enter that
number at the c o o k t ime prompt.
Time entered into
57. Press
to lock in cooktime .
58. S e t - Te mp appears in left display and 0 or a
previously programmed temperature appears in the right.
59. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the final
temperature change.
60. Press
set sensitivity setting appears in the right.
61. Use product keys to enter sensitivity.
. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 or a previously
62. Press
63. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d 1 in right. All
programmed buttons are illuminated.
64. Nine minutes of the 13-minute cooktime have been programmed.
No additional programming is required. The computer will take the
oil to the last setpoint, which was established in step 58 and
countdown the remaining 4 minutes.
65. Press
to leave programming for this product button.
66. P r o d u c t appears in the left display. Right display is blank.
67. Press next product button to be programmed with segmented
cooking cycles. Follow steps outlined above to program.
68. To lock in programming and exit, press
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Programming with Filtration
Programming for non-Segmented Cooking
(Filtering Mode)
1. Establish the number of cook cycles before the computer prompts a
filter cycle.
Vats cooking
french fries and
other non-breaded
products do not
need filtering as
frequently as vats
used to prepare
chicken and other
heavily breaded
2. Press
3. Display shows OF F .
4. Press hidden programming key in Frymaster logo. (See diagram).
5. Display show CODE on left side.
, the ON/OFF button to turn the computer off.
6. Enter 1658 using numbered product keys
7. GBL F il t appears in the left display; 0 or a previously
programmed number appears in the right.
8. Use the product keys to enter the amount of product to be cooked
before the computer calls for filtering.
* If you plan to use
the cooking alarms
or exit modes
features, please
skip to sections 5
and 6 for
instruction on their
If not,
programming can
continue in the
sequence at right.
9. Press
. Computer displays OF F .
10. Press
, the ON/OFF button to turn computer off.
11. Display shows OF F .
12. Press hidden programming button in Frymaster logo. (See diagram).
13. CODE appears on left side; right side is blank.
14. Enter 1650 using numbered product keys.
Use button 10
for 0.
15. P r o d u c t shows in left display. All product buttons blink. Right
display is blank.
16. Press the product button
you want to program. He a d s appears
in left display; a number appears in the right. The LED in the chosen
button remains lit. All others go off.
17. Use the product buttons to enter the amount of product to be cooked
with the button being programmed.
18. Press
to lock in choice.
19. * S e g me n t appears in left display, P ROD and the number of the
button being programmed appears in the right. The LED in product
button 1 begins to flash.*
20. Press product button 1
. The LED in product 1 continues to flash;
the LED in the button being programmed stays on continuously.
21. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 or a time programmed
previously appears in right display.
22. Use the product buttons to enter the cooking time.
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Programming with Filtration
23. Press
to lock in cooktime .
** The temperature
display can be
toggled from
Fahrenheit to
Celsius in this
step. See
24. * * S e t - Te mp appears in left display; 0 or a previously entered
temperature appears in the right display.
25. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the final
segment of the cooking cycle.
instructions on
Page 7-1.
26. Press
to lock in temperature.
27. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 or a previously set number up to
9 appears in the right.
28. Use product buttons to set sensitivity, which is the degree to which
the computer reacts to the introduction of cold product to the heated
oil. The computer can stretch or shrink the cooking time.
29. Press
to lock in choice.
30. Segment appears in left display. Product number appears in right.
31. Press
32. Product appears in left display. Right display is blank.
33. Choose another product button to program or press
computer and lock in changes.
to turn off
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Programming with Filtration
Filter Operation
Filter Operation
The computer
1. When the product count entered during the programming for
global filtering is reached, the computer will display F il t e r .
2. Allow the cook cycle to complete.
3. Ensure the filter pan is properly prepared.
4. Open drain valve for a minimum of 30 seconds.
5. Display shows Dr a in Op e n .
6. After approximately three minutes, the computer display alternates
between Dr a in , Op e n and F il l .
7. Close drain valve. Display shows F ILL.
8. Use pump on filter system to refill fry vat.
must be connected
to the drain valve
safety switch in
order to function as
described at right.
To clear a
programmed for
global filtering and
not connected to
the fryer’s filter
9. Press
. Fryer returns to setpoint.
turn computer
Press button in
Display shows
Enter 1111
with product
keys. (On
use 1111 to
delay filtering,
1119 to cancel
filtration. See
material for
instructions on
delaying and
clearing the
filter function.)
flashes in
display and
displays OF F .
CM4-S Cooking Computer —Programming for non-Filtering
Exit Cool
Product Buttons
Product Buttons
Programming Key Not visible
Programming for Segmented Cooking Cycles
(Non-Filtering Mode)
2 min
1. Establish the total
cooktime and the
number and
4 min.
4 min.
3 min.
Total time: 13 min
temperatures of the
cook segments for your product. You will find drawing a diagram
helpful. See graphic on page 1-1. In this example
cooking segments of 2 minutes at 340°F, 4
minutes at 320°F, 3 minutes at 310°F and a final
cook segment of 4 minutes at 330°F are set.
Note: Instructions are
based on a four-
segment cooking cycle.
Computers can be
programmed with up to
nine cooking segments.
2. Press
. Computer displays OF F .
3. Press hidden programming button in Frymaster
logo. (See diagram above)
4. Display shows CODE on left side.
* If you plan to use
the cooking alarms
or exit modes
features, please
skip to sections 5
and 6 for
instruction on their
If not,
programming can
continue in the
sequence at right.
5. Enter 1650 using numbered product keys.
10 for 0.
6. P r o d u c t shows in left display. All product buttons blink. Right
Use button
display is blank.
7. Press the product button
you want to program. He a d s
appears in left display; 0 or a previously programmed number in
the right. The LED in the chosen button remains lit. All others go
8. Use the product buttons to enter the number of heads of chicken (or
equivalent) to be cooked in each cycle of the product button being
9. Press
to lock in choice.
CM4-S Cooking Computer —Programming for non-Filtering
10. S e g me n t appears in left display, P ROD and number of the
product button being programmed appears in right.
11. Press product button 1
. The LED in product 1 continues to
flash; the LED in the button being programmed stays on
continuously (unless button 1, which is flashing, is being
12. Co o k t ime appears in left display; a time programmed
previously appears in right display.
13. Use the product buttons to enter 0 , which eliminates any earlier
14. Press
15. S e g me n t appears in the left display; P r o d 1 in the right. No
button LEDs are illuminated.
16. Press button 1
. The LED flashes.
17. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 appears in right display.
18. Use the product buttons to enter the total cooktime.
19. Press
20. S e t - Te mp appears in left display; 0 appears in the right display.
21. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the initial
setpoint of the cooking cycle.
22. Press
to lock in temperature.
23. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 appears in the right.
24. Use product buttons to set sensitivity, which is the degree the
computer reacts to the introduction of cold product to the heated oil.
The computer can stretch or shrink the cooking time. Zero, or no
sensitivity, is a common choice for bone-in chicken.
25. Press
to lock in choice.
26. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d 1 in right.
27. Press product button 2
. The LED in product button 2 flashes.
The LED in the button being programmed is illuminated
28. Determine the desired cooktime for the first cook cycle. Subtract
that number from the total cooktime entered in the first step. Enter
the result with the product buttons. See calculation at right and
graphic in programming overview on page 1-1.
29. Press
to lock in choice.
CM4-S Cooking Computer —Programming for non-Filtering
30. S e t - Te mp appears in left display and 0 or a previously
programmed temperature appears in the right.
31. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the first
temperature change. See graphic on page 1-1.
Total cooking time
32. Press
. S e n s appears in the left
display; 0 or a previously set sensitivity
setting appears in the right.
33. Use product keys to enter sensitivity.
Cooktime for 1st
Time entered into
34. Press
35. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d
1 in right.
36. Press product button 3
37. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 appears in the
for 2nd
38. Subtract desired time for second cook segment from
remaining cooktime. (See example at right.) Enter that
number at the c o o k t ime prompt.
Time entered into
39. Press
to lock in cooktime .
40. S e t - Te mp appears in left display and 0 or a
previously programmed temperature appears in the right.
41. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the second
temperature change.
42. Press
set sensitivity setting appears in the right.
43. Use product keys to enter sensitivity.
. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 or a previously
44. Press
45. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d 1 in right
46. Press product button 4
47. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 appears in the
for 3rd
48. Subtract desired time for the third cook segment from
remaining cooktime. (See example at right.) Enter that
number at the c o o k t ime prompt.
Time entered into
49. Press
to lock in cooktime .
50. S e t - Te mp appears in left display and 0 or a
previously programmed temperature appears in the right.
51. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the final
temperature change.
CM4-S Cooking Computer —Programming for non-Filtering
52. Press
set sensitivity setting appears in the right.
53. Use product keys to enter sensitivity.
. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 or a previously
54. Press
55. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d 1 in right. All
programmed buttons are illuminated.
56. Nine minutes of the 13-minute cooktime have been programmed.
No additional programming is required. The computer will take the
oil to the last setpoint, which was established in step 48 and
countdown the remaining 4 minutes.
57. Press
to leave programming for this product button.
58. P r o d u c t appears in the left display. Right display is blank.
59. Press next product button to be programmed with segmented
cooking cycles. Follow steps outlined above to program.
60. To lock in programming and exit, press
CM4-S Cooking Computer —Programming for non-Filtering
Programming for non-Segmented Cooking
(Non-Filtering Mode)
1. Press
2. Display shows OF F .
3. Press hidden programming button in Frymaster logo. (See diagram).
4. CODE appears on left side; right side is blank.
, the ON/OFF button to turn computer off.
French fries and
other products do
not require
cooking cycles.
Simply exit the
sequence at the
second Segment
display. The time
entered into the
first segment will
establish the
5. Enter 1650 using numbered product keys.
Use button 10
for 0.
6. P r o d u c t shows in left display. All product buttons blink. Right
display is blank.
7. Press the product button
you want to program. He a d s appears
in left display; A number appears in the right. The LED in the chosen
button remains lit. All others go off.
complete cooking
8. Use the product buttons to enter the number of heads of chicken or an
equivalent to be assigned to this product button.
* If you plan to use
the cooking alarms
or exit modes
features, please
skip to sections 5
and 6 for
instruction on their
If not,
programming can
continue in the
sequence at right.
9. Press
to lock in choice.
10. * S e g me n t appears in left display, P ROD and the number of the
button being programmed appears in the right. The LED in product
button 1 begins to flash.
11. Press product button 1
. The LED in product 1 continues to flash;
the LED in the button being programmed stays on continuously.
12. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 or a time programmed
previously appears in right display.
13. Use the product buttons to enter 0, which eliminates earlier
** The temperature
display can be
toggled from
Fahrenheit to
Celsius in this
step. See
14. Press
15. S e g me n t appears in left display, P ROD and the number of the
button being programmed appears in the right. No button LEDs are
instructions on
Page 7-1.
16. Press a product button
17. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 appears in the right display.
18. Use product keys to enter the cooktime.
19. Press
to lock in cooktime.
61. S e t - Te mp appears in left display and 0 or a previously
programmed temperature appears in the right.
20. Use product keys to enter the cooking temperature for the product.
CM4-S Cooking Computer —Programming for non-Filtering
21. Press
22. S e n s appears in the left display; 0 or a previously set number up to
9 appears in the right.
23. Use product buttons to set sensitivity, which is the degree to which
the computer reacts to the introduction of cold product to the heated
oil. The computer can stretch or shrink the cooking time.
24. Press
to lock in choice.
25. Segment appears in left display. Product number appears in right.
26. Press
27. P r o d u c t appears in left display. Right display is blank.
28. Choose another product button to program or press
computer and lock in changes.
to turn off
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Alarm Programming
Three alarms can be programmed for a cook cycle. The CM4-S counts down cook times from
the total time to zero. Alarms are entered at the point in the countdown they are desired. The
example below is for alarms at 11:00, 6:00 and 2:00 on the countdown clock; the alarms will
occur two, seven and 11 minutes into the 13-minute cook cycle.
Alarms are set to
remind operators
to shake fry
11:0 0
baskets or tend to
the product in
6 :0 0
At the Al a r m 1
prompt, enter
some other way at
points during the
cook cycle. The
instructions at right
detail setting three
alarms in a 13-
minute cook cycle.
To enter a single
alarm, exit the
11:00. The alarm
will occur with 11
minutes remaining
in the cook cycle;
two minutes have
At the Al a r m 2 prompt,
enter 6:00, The alarm will
occur with 6:00 remaining
in the cook cycle; seven
minutes have passed.
2 :0 0
At the Al a r m 3
prompt, enter 2:00.
The alarm will
occur with 2:00
remaining in the
cook cycle; 11
minutes have
sequence after
setting the first
Points in the cook cycle the alarms occur
1. After reaching the first display of S e g me n t on the computer
when programing for any mode of operation, follow these steps to
set audible alarms in the cook cycle.
2. S e g me n t is shown in the left display; P r o d u c t and its
number in the right. Press hidden program button (see diagram on
page 2-2).
3. Al a r m 1 appears in left display; A or M and a time appears in
the right.
4. Determine the point in the cooktime countdown the first alarm
should occur. For example, to set an alarm two minutes into a 13-
minute cook cycle, set the alarm at 11:00, the time the computer
will display when two minutes have elapsed in the cook cycle. (See
graphic above).
5. Use
to toggle between A and M. With A displayed, alarms are
self-canceling; with M displayed, alarms must be canceled
manually. See example on next page of entering three alarm times.
6. With desired time and alarm-canceling mode displayed, press
to proceed. Skip to step 9 to program Alarm 2. To exit alarm
programming follow steps 7-8.
CM4-S Cooking Computer — Alarm Programming
7. To exit alarm programming, press hidden programming button
twice. Ex Cycle , which is described in section 6, will display on the
computer at the first push. On the second button push the computer
will revert to segment and product number.
8. Resume programming for segmented, non-segmented, filter or non-
filter mode as described in their sections.
9. Determine the point in the cooktime countdown the second alarm
should occur. For example, to set an alarm seven minutes into a 13-
minute cook cycle, set the alarm at 6:00, the time the computer will
display when seven minutes have elapsed in the cook cycle. (See
graphic above).
10. Use
to toggle between A and M. With desired time and alarm-
canceling mode displayed, press to proceed to set Alarm 3.
11. Determine the point in the cooktime countdown the thirdt alarm
should occur. For example, to set an alarm 11 minutes into a 13-
minute cook cycle, set the alarm at 2:00, the time the computer will
display when 11 minutes have elapsed in the cook cycle. (See
graphic above).
12. Use
to toggle between A and M.
13. To exit alarm programming, press hidden programming button
twice. Ex Cy c l e , which is described in section 6, will display
on the computer at the first push. On the second button push the
computer will revert to segment and product number.
14. Resume programming for segmented, non-segmented, filter or non-
filter mode as described in their sections.
CM4-S Cooking Computer Exit-Mode Programming
1. After reaching the
first display of
S e g me n t on
the computer
programming for
any mode of
The CM4-S can be
programmed to
return to setpoint,
cool to an idle
temperature or
prompt for filtering
at the end of a
button under
operation, follow these steps to set the status the fry vat will assume
upon the completion of a cooking cycle.
cooking cycle.
2. Press hidden programming key twice. An Alarm prompt appears
upon the first push. Programming for alarms is covered in Section
3. Ex Cy c l e appears in the left display upon the second push;
F il t e r , S e t - Te mp , or S e t - Ba c k appears in the right.
4. Press
to toggle between choices: with F il t e r chosen, the
fryer will prompt for filtration at the completion of the cooking
cycle; with S e t - Te mp chosen, the fryer will return to setpoint
upon the completion of the cooking cycle; with s e t - b a c k
chosen, the fryer will assume an idle temperature well below
5. With the S e t - t e mp or s e t - b a c k displayed, press
lock in choice. Skip to step 9.
6. With Filter displayed, press
7. N u m F il t shows in the left display; 0 or a previously
programmed number appears in the right.
8. Use product keys to enter number cook cycles between filtering
prompts for the product key being programmed. For example: if 10
is entered at the N u m F il t prompt during programming of
product button 1, Filter will display on computer when product
button 1 is pressed for the 10th time. Press
9. S e g me n t appears in the left display; P r o d and the button
number being programmed appear in the right.
10. Resume programming for filtering, non-filtering, segmented or non-
segmented cooking.
Toggle from Fahrenheit to Celsius
1. Press , the ON/OFF button to turn computer off.
2. Display shows OF F .
3. Press hidden programming button in Frymaster logo. (See diagram
page 2-2).
The temperature
display on the
CM4-S can be
changed from
Fahrenheit to
Celsius during the
4. Display shows CODE on left side.
5. Enter 1650 using numbered product keys.
for 0.
6. P r o d u c t shows in left display. All product buttons blink. Right
Use button 10
display is blank.
process. An
7. Press a product button
. He a d s appears in left display; 0 in
the right. The LED in the chosen button remains lit. All others go
sequence is shown
at right to address
Celsius adjustment
8. Press
to step to next choice.
9. S e g me n t appears in left display, P ROD 1 in right. The LED
in the 1 product button begins to flash.
10. Press product button 1 . The LED in product 1 continues to flash.
11. Co o k t ime appears in left display; 0 or a time programmed
previously appears in right display.
12. Press
to step to next choice .
13. S e t - Te mp appears in left display; a temperature in Fahrenheit
or Celsius appears in the right display.
14. Press
to toggle between choices.
15. With desired choice displayed, press
16. S e n s appears in left display; right is blank.
17. Press
18. S e g me n t appears in left display; P r o d appears in right.
19. Press
20. Display shows p r o d u c t on left; right is blank. All LEDs flash.
21. Press
to turn computer off.
Operational and Diagnostic Programming Codes
The CM4-S
records recovery
time, which is the
time required for
the fryer to raise
the temperature of
the oil from 275°F
to 325°F. This
information is
accessible with a
Entry Codes
All codes are preceded by this sequence:
code. Other useful
measures, such as
total heads cooked
and heads cooked
since last filtering,
are also
Press . Computer displays OF F .
Press programming key in Frymaster logo. Co d e appears in left display.
Use product keys to enter access codes.
Default settings
Enter16 5 1: Computer reloads default settings.
Recovery Time
Enter16 5 2 : Computer displays recovery time.
Heads Cooked
Enter 16 5 3 : Computer displays heads cooked.
Heads cooked from last filter
Enter 16 5 4 : Computer displays heads cooked since last filtering.
Computer Setup
Enter 16 5 6 : Set up computer.
Clear Head Counter
Enter 16 5 7 : Computer clears head count.
Program Global Filter Count
Enter 16 5 8 : Used to enter total cook cycles before computer calls for filtering.
Enter 16 5 0 : Used to enter programming instructions.
Clear Filter Prompt
Enter 1111: Used to clear a filter prompt on fryers not equipped with filter
systems. Church’s computers use 1111 to delay filtering.
Operational and Diagnostic Programming Codes
The computer also displays messages. Listed below are the most common and a
brief explanation of each.
The CM4-S also
messages, some
instructional, such
as done, and
others are
S e t Ba c k
Fryer is in standby and maintaining a temperature of 250°F. Press
bring fryer to setpoint.
to exit and
Common ones are
listed at right.
Cook cycle is complete. The LED above the chosen product button will flash. Press
button under flashing LED to stop alarm.
- - - - - - -
Oil temperature is near setpoint and fryer is ready to cook.
F Il t e r
The fryer has reached a preset number of cook cycles and requires filtering..
OP EN Dr a in
The frypot drain valve is open.
Filter cycle is complete and frypot drain valve is open. Close drain valve and press
to exit filter cycle and refill frypot.
HI- Te mp
Fryer is above 390°F (199°C)
Fryer temperature is below 255°F (124°C)
P r o b e F a il u r e
Temperature probe circuit failed.
Hi Te mp P r o b e F a il u r e
Hi-limit temperature has been exceeded and the hi-limit switch failed to open. The
computer will shut down the fryer.
Frymaster, L.L.C.
8700 Line Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana USA 71106
Service Center (800) 551-8633 or (318) 865-1711
Printed in the United States of America
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